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Historical Sociolinguistics Network er eit finfint forskarnettverk som skipar til ein finfin sommarskule i Hellas i juli. Høyr berre:

The eleventh summer school organised by the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN) will offer classes by leading experts on modern and historical sociolinguists. The summer school will take place at the Metochi Study Centre on the island of Lesbos. The Summer School lasts for one week with arrival on Sunday 16 July, classes from Monday to Saturday, and departure on Sunday 23 July in the morning. You will have the opportunity to present your own research at a special session. There is space for only 40 graduate students and young (at heart!) researchers…

Dei som er interesserte i språk, samfunn, sol, sand, ssstsatsiki og super stemning, må melde seg på her!

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